Space.PE - Cosmic Add-on

By GormyshaYT
SpacePE is a Minecraft Bedrock addon that adds something resembling space to the game. It currently has four terrestrial planets as well as numerous space blocks, items, and ores... Let's go to the stars!
First, we need a spacesuit. To create it, we need new ore - aluminum, iron, and a new furnace - crucible! In a crucible furnace, you can create an alloy of aluminum and iron. After that, the resulting ingot must be melted in a blast furnace - and the material is ready!
There are only a few items left to make - an Oxygen Gear, an Oxygen Helmet and an Oxygen Tank. Next - you need to make armor from alumiron. Follow the crafting in the picture! To activate the suit correctly, use a longtap across the screen.
Fine! Now we need a rocket. First, let's create a pad from blocks of aluminum. Then we will create a rocket - you can see this process in the screenshot - and we are ready! Stop, we also need fuel! There are 2 types of fuel - igniter and regular fuel, which is faster than igniter!
When you get into the rocket, hit the block with fuel - you will fly! But wait... We need to find out the coordinates of the planet from the beginning!
In order to get to the planet - you need to find it! And to find it, you need a planetary telescope. The first planet available to you is the moon. Let's explore it!
This planet is the first in the addon! It is smaller than all other planets. It consists of lunar
regolith and soil, as well as two new ores! The first - cheese - can become food! Just melt it down to furnace. The second - sapphire - is capable of more! Firstly, you can make a sword out of it - it will do 6.5 damage, and secondly, you can make a hammer with which you can become rich - look at the screenshots!
Mars is a planet larger than the moon! The gravity on Mars is greater than on the moon, but less than on earth! Mars is the first planet on which an evil boss will await you. Find him in the dungeon under the regolith and you will see a huge zombie doing massive damage!
However, after winning, you will receive a treasure chest - there you can find a super potion, many rewards and ... A redstone heart! With it you can make the heart of the station! For this heart, we need to create libraries (cores) that will charge it with power! The heart of the station works like a beacon: it gives you effects.
But there is a new ore on Mars - a ruby, from which you can make a sword (it will do 7.5 damage) and a
drill! For the drill, you need new ore that can be obtained from meteorites that are falling all over the place! Smelt the meteorite piece and you will receive its ingot.
Then, with the help of meteorite ingots and a ruby tip that can be made from rubies, you can make a drill. From rubies you can make an interplanetary tunnel that will move you quickly! And from meteorite ingots, you can make a tube for food - putting food there, you will restore a lot of hunger!
Venus is the largest planet in the addon! There are volcanoes on the surface of Venus that are supposed to spew lava, but they don't... So, under the ground of Venus you can
find a dungeon with a difficult boss - a skeleton! He will shoot very quickly, but by defeating him, you will receive a treasure chest - there you can find fuel that is faster than all the previous ones! There is an ore on Venus - Venus (yes, that's the name of the ore) that you can make a buggy from - thanks to Bananji for the model! You can also make a sword from venus (it will do 9 damage)!
Mercury is currently the last planet in the addon. It has a mountain system. Its dungeon is
narrow, and there you will find a large spider - in addition to melee combat, it can entangle you in a web! Defeating him will give you a Spider Staff - an item that entangles enemies in cobwebs! You can find a new ore - topaz, and make a sword out of it (it will do 10 damage)!
Sceptres are a new tool that can be crafted from all alien ores! First, we need an
aluminum stick. You can see the craft in the screenshot! Then we can start crafting scepters. A sapphire scepter slows down enemies, a ruby - heals you, venus - sets enemies on fire, topaz - sends them into the air, and a meteor - summons lightning, but stuns you!
This concludes the description of the add-on, but there are many more interesting things in the add-on! Alien mobs, sapphire blocks, lander and more! If you want to know about EVERYTHING, you can watch my videos on youtube (in Russian) :з
Terms of use:
- You can explore the code and learn to create addons this way
- You cannot copy and use the code
- You can change the addon for personal use
- You cannot modify the addon and redistribute it
- You can make a review of this addon if you leave credit (my youtube) and the original link to download the mod (this page)
- You cannot pass off this addon as yours
- The addon has 2 languages - Russian and English (may contain errors)
- This addon is a parody of Galacticraft ( (minecraft java mod), and uses some of its textures.
- Thanks to BANANJI for the model and texture of the buggy.