By Three6Confusion
Creepers evolved. They become more terrifying.In process of mutation they obtain new body part - Belly button, that reproduce a new mob in the game - Creepa. Little sneaky creeper.
Short video showcase:
Creepers evolved to a new form and in process of mutation obtain a huge belly button:
Their eyes are full of blood and they want a revenge.
Every 30 seconds they spawn 1-2 Creepa.
Naturally spawn instead of default Creeper.
Creepa is a very little sneaky creeper:
Creepa characteristics:
- 10 times smaller than Creeper
- 3 times faster.
- Don't spawn naturally. Only from Creepers belly button.
- The same explosion Creeper has.
- Have a melee attack.
- Sneaky.
- Because of the fast speed and small size you can't properly react to them. Their behaviour is to attack player first and then blow up in a second.
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