MCPE/Bedrock AdvancedCraft Addon V.1.2 - Miscellaneous Update

AdvancedCraft is an addon that's supposed to mimic a modpack; It has five different crafting blocks, four new sets of armor, nine hotbar pets, several food items, and tons of new metals and alloys to craft with. The only difference is that it's not a modpack, it's an addon, which means you can import it straight into your game and start playing.
To start it all off, you'll first need to craft an Enhanced Crafting Table.

The Enhanced Crafting Table is used for crafting almost everything in the addon, including Hotbar Pets, Steel & Damascus Steel armor, canned food, and even the other crafting blocks.
Next, you'll need a Grind Stone:

The Grind Stone is used for grinding one thing into another thing, for example, nether warts turn into tier 1 magical lumps, and cobblestone turns into gravel, which can be turned into sand.
You'll also need a Gold Pan to sift ore from gravel:

The Gold Pan can also turn two blocks of sand into salt, which can be used to make beef jerky and monster jerky.
To get ore dusts from sifted ore, just right click with the sifted ore in your hand (press and hold on mobile devices).
You'll want a Smeltery to smelt those ore dusts into ingots:

You can also smelt one carbon chunk into a diamond, and mix different ore and dusts to make alloys (these are useless at this stage, but will have a use added in later versions of this addon).
You'll also want a Magic Crafting Table for all your magical needs, like crafting bedrock, end portal frames, mob spawners and spawn eggs:

If you want to make AdvancedCraft armor, you'll need a forge, as well:

(It takes 38 iron ingots to make, but if you have a grind stone and smeltry, you only need 19 raw iron)
All of the other crafting recipes are shown in the little green book icon in each of their respective crafting blocks.
NOTE: This addon is not completely finished yet. Most of the alloys and metals cannot be crafted into anything right now (except for Steel, Damascus Steel, Bronze, and Hardened Metal, which can be made into armor), but everything else works like it's meant to.
There are four types of armor: Bronze, Steel, Damascus Steel, and Hardened Metal.
- Bronze armor is better than iron, but weaker than steel
- Steel armor is better than bronze and iron, but weaker than diamond, making it useful for starting off the game, since all you need is iron and carbon (carbon is obtained using coal in the Enhanced Crafting Table).
- Damascus steel armor gives the same level of protection that diamond and netherite armor do; it's twice as expensive as regular steel.
- Hardened armor gives the same level of protection as diamond and netherite armor, but it has +3 knockback resistance per piece, making it the best armor in the game.
Armor is now made in the forge.
Hotbar Pets:
Hotbar pets are inventory items which give you potion effects when used. The effects each pet gives you are listed below:
- Blaze Pet - Fire Resistance
- Glow Squid Pet - Night Vision
- Iron Golem Pet - Resistance
- Phantom Pet - Slow Falling
- Pig Pet - Saturation
- Rabbit Pet - Speed
- Spider Pet - Jump Boost
- Squid Pet - Water Breathing
- Cow Pet - Removes all potion effects
- Snow Golem Pet - Puts a large blanket of snow all around you
- Zombie Pet - Gives strength potion effect
- Shulker Pet - Makes everyone else around you float in the air
There are several different food items in this addon. Their crafting ingredients and saturation level are listed below:
- Canned Beef - 1 tin can, 1 cooked beef - 6 drumsticks
- Canned Chicken - 1 tin can, 1 cooked chicken - 5 drumsticks
- Canned Fish - 1 tin can, 1 cooked cod - 5 drumsticks
- Beef Jerky - 1 cooked beef, 1 salt - 5 drumsticks
- Monster Jerky - 1 rotten flesh, 1 salt - 4 drumsticks
- Hardtack - 1 dough (in regular furnace) - 4 1/2 drumsticks
Crafting Items:
Some items have no use other than for crafting other items. They are listed below:
- Flour - 1 wheat (in Grind Stone)
- Dough - 1 water bottle, 1 salt, 1 flour
- Tin Can - 4 tin ingots, shaped in a diamond pattern
- Carbon - 9 coal, filling all crafting slots
- Compressed Carbon - 4 carbon shaped in diamond pattern
- Carbon Chunk - 8 compressed carbon surrounding 1 flint
- Magical Lump tier 1 - 1 nether wart in grind stone
- Ender Lump tier 1 - 1 eye of ender in grind stone
- Brass - 1 copper dust, 1 zinc dust, 1 copper ingot
- Aluminum Brass - 1 aluminum dust, 1 aluminum ingot, 1 brass ingot
- Billon - 1 copper dust, 1 silver dust, 1 silver ingot
- Bronze - 1 copper dust, 1 tin dust, 1 copper ingot
- Cobalt - 1 copper dust, 1 iron dust, 1 nickel ingot
- Steel - 1 iron dust, 1 carbon, 1 iron ingot
- Damascus Steel - 1 iron dust, 1 carbon, 1 iron ingot, 1 steel ingot
- Duralumin - 1 copper dust, 1 aluminum dust, 1 aluminum ingot
- Hardened Metal - 1 damascus steel ingot, 1 duralumin ingot, 1 aluminum bronze ingot, 1 compressed carbon
- Nickel - 1 copper dust, 1 iron dust, 1 iron ingot
- Reinforced Alloy (currently useless) - 1 damascus steel ingot, 1 hardened metal, 1 corinthian bronze ingot, 1 solder ingot, 1 billon ingot, 1 24-carat gold ingot.
- Solder - 1 lead dust, 1 tin dust, 1 lead ingot
- 4-24 carat gold - 1 gold ingot of previous carat, 1 gold dust
Added three new hotbar pets and removed the need for command blocks
Activate these four modes

creator: Truncatebat2147