MCPE/Bedrock Adventura Easy

Hi guys,This is my first ever new Adventure world which has been created on Minecraft pocket edition.This is a cool world with snowy cool look with pines to improve the quality of the biome and the peaks makes it more beautiful .
World generation
This is a world generated on a circular table top with snowy peaky biome .Biome are combination of snow and ice which makes it feel cool.

Pines and snow combination with balloons and a big artificial moon .

Nights are pretty good and day has also cool and terrific look but I like the night most .
Better and bigger trees
The tree are big and more detailed as compared to the normal world generated pine or spruce tree .

The moon is artificial moon which will be shinning during the day also.It gives a cool looks to the peak .

Night view

Day view
Achievements and secrets
There are 3 Achievement and 3 Secrets of this adventure World .

There are only two animals :llama and polar bear.

Recommended to use shaders with shadow and light effect better for better experience
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Thank you
This is a .mcworld File so it will be easy to install . Please make sure to pass ads make sure you click on the right place .