MCPE/Bedrock ImprovedMC

This add-on is basically stuff I thought was a good idea to add to Minecraft, not really anything else. This is my first Bedrock add-on, so I'm excited to see how other people like it.
New Blocks and Items and how to get them :
Colored Glowstone (combine Glowstone and a dye)

New Fish
You can get them rarely when fishing!
Bass, Koi, Mahi Mahi, Sailfish, Tarpon, and Trout are the new fish added to the game
The fish have the same food values as the Tropical Fish.

Emerald Sword (Two emeralds and a stick)
Has a lot of strength, but not much durability
13 Attack Damage, 32 Durability

Obsidian Sword (Two obsidian and a stick)
Has a lot of durability, but not much strength
4 Attack Damage, 2031 Durability

Winged Boots (Four amethyst shards placed in two pillars, and two feathers on top of them)
Gives you Levitation when you are on the ground (similar to Turtle Helmet)
Use it to drop from higher places than usual! Works well with Feather Falling.

Effect Wands (Dropped by witches)
Using one will give you a effect for a short time and a cooldown, but it works forever!
There's one for every potion in the game!
Has 10% of the time as the potion

Hamburger (Two bread with cooked beef in the middle)
Not the best food to eat...

Light Capsule (Torch with four Cobbled Deepslate surrounding it)
Tells you the Light Level of the current block you are on.
Use it to see where you should place torches!

Nether Reactor Core (Two lines of diamonds on the sides, and a line of iron ingots in the middle)
Use this pattern to make a Nether Reactor!
The Nether Reactor creates a Nether Spire in the Overworld, so make sure to use it where there is a lot of space.

You can see what biome you are in with a map
Use it to see where it will rain, or snow, or not!

First version, so I didn't add anything yet that isn't in this version.
Use the Holiday Creator Features, Creation of Custom Biomes, Upcoming Creator Features, and Experimental Molang Features experimental toggles.

Thanks to bridge. v2, Blockbench, (wiki.), the Microsoft Documentation for Minecraft Bedrock, and the Bedrock Addons Discord server!
creator: Dy1anBy1an