MCPE/Bedrock Klay's PvP Texture Pack Review World

A very small map which can be used purely for PvP Texture Pack Reviewing, This map has a theme of Lush and Bright to the eye, watch out for any clues because there may be something Hidden
This map also has a Pretty Unique Style for showcasing things that may have been changed in the Texture Pack,
Pictures of the Map:
Over View -

Spawn -

Entrance -

Hallway 1 -

Enchantment Room -

Hallway 2 -

Nether Room -

Last Room??? -

Watch out for any redstone component, it may take you to a secret place ;P
I will update this map everytime a new Update comes up so it will have all the contents needed for PvP
Im very sorry if this map is very small, i only got a very limited time to make this since i am very busy at school