MCPE/Bedrock Player Inventory Sorter

Just gone back from your exploration and you want to sort your inventory? or during exploration you have many duplicate item that you want to stack and sort? with this addon you can easily do all that with a single click!
Introducing the inventory sorter item!
This item once crafted can sort your inventory with one use. This item doesn't have any durability so you only need to craft it once.
Crafting Recipe:

To use the Player Inventory Sorter Item. Hold the item in your hand then use it.

When you use it will say Inventory Sorted! and sorted your items alphabeticaly.
Inventory Before Use:

Inventory After Use:

Sorting will not affect your hotbar only your inventory.
This addon uses Gametest and it might not work with Consoles.
Future Plans:
- A Button inside the player's inventory to sort the items (If Minecraft will add UI and Gametest to work together)