MCPE/Bedrock Slabs and Brushes! | Stratospheer's Paint Add-on! (v1.6)

Make your builds look more colourful, design and build your own house with plenty more creativity with these decorative unique blocks! This add-on was made to add a wider variation of blocks to use in survival or creative and give you a plethora of colours your builds deserve!
Video Showcases
Stratospheer's Paint Add-on! This add-on adds all 16 different colours to the Bricks, Planks, Stone Bricks, Bookshelves and more!
Note: Experimental Features are now required to use the add-on.
Paint Bucket:
This is used for painting blocks in the crafting table.

This is used for painting blocks by interacting with them.

Paint Scraper:
This is used to remove paint from blocks.

Painted Bricks:

Painted Log:

Painted Wood Planks:

Painted Cobblestone:

Painted Stone:

Painted Stone Bricks:

Painted Bookshelf:

Painted Wood:

Painted Crafting Table:

Painted Leaves:
This feature was requested by a user of this add-on.

Painted Slabs
Slabs can now be made by almost any painted block.

If you would like to see other Painted Blocks in this add-on, please let me know and I'll add it for you.
Final Note
This is my first add-on I have actually made and thank you for checking out it for yourself!
Terms of Use
- Please do not distribute this add-on without using my link.
- Please do not steal any textures in this add-on and add into your own project.
- You can use this code to learn for your own add-ons.
- If you would like to use this add-on in videos, please credit me and add the download link.
Addition of different slab types (+functionality)
Addition of Paintbrushes
Removed Hammer
Texture Tweaks
Painted leaves are now transparent
Be sure to activate experimental features.
Just click and install, no ads!
.zip files are also an alternative for iOS Users.