MCPE/Bedrock Structure Generator Addon v2.6 (1.18 Compatibility)

Hi guys i'm back for my new add-on. Too lazy to build a house, village, or other structures you want to imagine? Well, this add-on is for you. This add-on adds a lot of structures that you want to build instantly using structure blocks to load structures.
How does it work?
To load a structure, you must use structure block./give @p structure_block.
Follow all these easy steps to load:
1.Select the load button

2.Type the structure id as shown below:

3.Click load button to build
What are these structures?
Here are some structures shown in the picture:
Village Houses
Structure Id:House1(as shown below)

Structure id:House2(as shown below)

Structure id:House3(as shown below)

Structure id:House4(as shown below)

Structure id:House5(as shown below)

Structure id:House6(as shown below)

Structure id:House7(as shown below)

Structure id:House8(as shown below)

Structure id:Villagetower(as shown below)

Structure id:Pillagertower(as shown below)

Natural Generated Structures
Structure Id:Smallcabin
Spawn in Taiga Biome

Structure Id:Treehouse
Spawn in Bamboo Jungle

Structure Id:Megatemple
Spawn in Desert Biome

Structure id:Talltower
Spawn in Taiga Biome

Structure id:Campsite
Spawn in Taiga Biome

Structure id:Destroyedtower
Spawn in Plains Biome

Modern Houses(Only in Structure Blocks)
Structure id:Modernhouse1(as shown below)

Structure id:Modernhouse2(as shown below)

Structure id:Modernhouse3(as shown below)

Structure id:Modernhouse4(as shown below)

Structure id:Modernhouse5(as shown below)

Structure id:Modernhouse6(as shown below)

Structure id:Modernhouse7(as shown below)

Other Structures
Structure id:Castle
Spawn Anywhere in Overworld

Structure id:Tent
Spawn in Mega Taiga Biome

Structure id:Buddhastatue(It also have interior behind it)
Spawn in Jungle Biome

Structure id:Restoredportal(A restored version of ruinedportal and also has a better loot compared to normal)
Spawn anywhere in Overworld

Structure id:Jungletemple

Structure id:Wanderingtraderhouse(Actually no wandering trader will spawn here upon generation)
Spawn in Desert Biome

Structure id:Blacksmith

To view the full list of all structures ,use /function list_building ,If you want to suggest a structure idea, Comment down below before i will add more structures in future updates.
*Since the 1.18 Caves and Cliffs Part 2 is finally released, I decided to add a compatibility for 1.18 version.
*Some Structures with bounding box has now removed.
How to install add-on?
The link is mediafire,which is you can download it easily.
Must turn on these experimental features shown in the picture below before play or else the add-on won't work.

Warning:Do not reupload this to other sites without the permission of the creator. If you want to showcase this add-on on YouTube, I will allow it if you credit me.
creator: EntityGamer