Minecraft Bedrock Edition VeinMiner & TreeCapitator

Minecraft Bedrock Edition Vein Miner/Tree Capitator Addon Download this is what you wanted I added them to work with each other now you can chop them trees and mine them ores.
Vein Miner INFO:
This is a great way to quickly break the ores you find and continue down the line at a much faster pace. Plus when the blocks break, the ores drop closer to you so you can grab them faster as well. What makes this mod really handy are the ores you don’t see. If you find a single ore during your mining, just break it and see all the others hidden within the walls that you may have missed. You do not have to craft any items to have benefit from the veinminer mod. On most modpacks the veinminer ability is, by default, set to the crouch or Shift key. Upon any item you can break with your hand ex. dirt, wood, sand, etc. will not require you to have a tool in hand, but an item (nothing specific) will have to be in your hand. Respectively veinmining stone, cobblestone, ores, etc. will require a pickaxe. Also (on most modpacks) by default veinmining will depreciate your hunger and the durability of the tool,if a tool is used. Mining Tips: Now that you don’t need iron and diamond picks to mine faster like in vanilla you can simply make a ton of stone picks and veinmine a tunnel. But try to place a cobble bridge through the middle so as to not mine the ground below you and fall to your death.
TreeCapitator INFO
: It works simply by using an axe to destroy the bottom block of any tree. As soon as you do the entire tree explodes into all its individual blocks. What’s great is that it also destroys the remaining leaf blocks and gives you all the saplings that would have dropped. Probably the most useful of this mod would be taking down Jungle trees. They are already so massive that destroying them just takes so much time. Well now with this mod you can take a whole one down in seconds. It’s actually not much of a “cheating” mod as it’s more of a time-saving mod. You will still take the same damage to your tools as you would normally and the time to chop will depend on what level axe you have. And likewise you will probably lose your shears in one tree if you use it on a jungle tree. Depending on the size of the tree will also determine how long it takes to remove that block of wood. Some will take longer than others. You can adjust a lot of these settings in the mod config menu from the main menu of the game.