Pixelmon BE Combat System Test 2

By Fraxx01
The Pixelmon Mod is the most popular and downloaded Java Edition mod of all time. However, there are only a handful Pokémon modifications for Bedrock Edition, and none of them provide a sophisticated fighting system like the Java Edition Mod. We can get around this constraint with the Scripting API, but these are only supported on Windows 10, so I chose to start constructing it now so that it may grow large enough to include a lot of material when the APIs are supported by all platforms.
Development status
The development of the addon will go through several phases. The first is Combat System Test so NO legendaries battles, NO pokémon building(Exp, IVs, EVs), NO catching mons, ... The main focus are combat system mechanics:
- Attack moves - Implemented
- Moves secondary effects - not implemented
- Priority moves - partially implemented
- Status moves - partially implemented
- Team battles - not implemented
- Stats modifier - Implemented
- Moves accurancy- partially implemented
- Team battles - not implemented
- Multiplayer Battles - Implemented
- Trainer Battles - Implemented
- Wild pokémon battles - not implemented
- Pokémon animations in battle - not implemented
When all of these features will be implemented the addon will go to the next phase.
How to play
When a player join for the first time a world can choose one pokémon from those which are implemented.
To change the starter you can craft a PC with glass and iron, place it and left-click it to open the starter selection menu
To start a battle you have to find a wandering trainer and left-click him or you can do the same thing with another player!
The battle system is inspired by official Pokémon mainline games so is turn-based and every Pokémon has his base stats and 4 fixed moves. Level is set to 50 for every pokemon, IVs are set to 31 for all stats and EVs to 85 for all stats