X/Y Legendary Pokemon Mod

X/Y Legendary Pokemon Mod

By ociNNico

With Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde, Generation 6's Kalos Region in XY has my favorite trio of legendaries. This addon will add them to your world at a fairly accurate power level if they exist in a Minecraft world. I hope you enjoy it!

This addon is only about 80% done and there are definitely more things that will be added in the future

All three legendaries have alternate forms that will transform into their normal forms after 20 seconds, and if the normal forms die, they will turn into their alternate forms, allowing them to live indefinitely because they will simply "respawn." The only way to get rid of them is to use the /kill command to kill them.

Starting in alphabetical order, we have X,

Xerneas, the Life Pokemon

Tree form

All these pokemon has 2 forms, the tree form is invulnerable and when spawned in, it will give every entity regeneration for 10 minutes. After 20 seconds the tree will transform into Xerneas’ stag form

stag form


Xerneas has 3500 health and attacks with Aurora Beam, which deals 50-60 damage per hit. Xerneas will always have regeneration to heal itself naturally. When Xerneas walks through the grass, it scatters flowers on the ground. Xerneas is a passive mob that will not attack unless it is attacked first. If it dies, it will transform into a tree for 20 seconds before returning to its stag form.

next up, Y,

Yveltal, the Destruction Pokemon


cocoon form
Yveltal’s cocoon will absorb the life of everything around it, giving everything wither for 60 seconds when spawned in. The cocoon is invulnerable, and after 20 seconds it will transform to Yveltal’s normal form.

normal form

Yveltal has 2250 health and attacks with Oblivion Wing, dealing 150-180 damage per hit. Yveltal is an extremely aggressive legendary, attacking everything in its path except its fellow legendaries. If it dies, it will transform into a cocoon and wait 20 seconds before returning to its normal form.

finally, Z,

Zygarde, the Order Pokemon

core forme

Zygarde’s core forme is the form it takes when it haven’t gathered any of its cells. It can’t fight but it is invulnerable. After 2o seconds Zygarde will gather its cells and transform to its serpentine, 50% forme.

50% forme

Zygarde maintains order in the environment, it has 4000 health, it will use the move Core enforcer, dealing 100-110 damage per hit. It is naturally aggressive to monsters. If it dies it will turn into its core form where it will wait 20 seconds before turning back into its 50% form.


you can get them by using the command 

/give @p pokeball:pokeball (number)

When you get near one of the pokemons with a pokeball in your hand you can catch the by interacting with them (long hold, press the “catch” button, right click probably I don’t have bedrock on PC)

After interacting with them the pokemons will be caught and you’ll lose the pokeball used to catch them and get a new pokeball in the form of a spawn egg, you can carry it around and spawn them wherever you like, spawning them in will give you back a pokeball to use again.

the “caught” pokemon is not tamed, it will not follow you around nor attack what you attack. However it will not attack you anymore, even if you attack it, and it will naturally attack monsters

the health and damage of the “caught” pokemon are identical to their “non caught” versions

you can still catch the “caught” pokemon and turn them back into pokeballs if you want to move them around

if the caught pokemon dies, it will transform into their other forms and turn back to their “non caught” versions after changing back, but you can always just catch them again

Demonstration Video

so far that’s about it with this addon, like I said it’s not 100% complete, so these are the features that are planned to be added in the future:

-More Zygarde formes (hopefully)

-Shiny forms (maybe)


Note: as this addon is the Kalos Legendaries Addon, it will only have the three legendary pokemon from the Kalos Region. If I were to make more pokemon they will be on their own seperate addon.
