MCPE/Bedrock Warden and Archeology Addon

This addon adds the fully integrated Warden mob and Sculk blocks, brushes and archeology system to your Minecraft foot. The mob warden will naturally spawn along with the blocks ?
In the creative, by typing / Warden function in chat, you will get all Sculk blocks and the mob spawn egg

These are all Sculk Blocks: Sculk Block, Sculk Jaw, Sculk Catalyst, Sculk Sensor, Sculk Shrieker and Sculk Vein

Sculk Shrieker
This block when activated by a sculk sensor emits a frightening sound and a This block when activated by a sculk sensor emits a frightening sound and a particle This block when activated by a sculk sensor emits a frightening sound and a particle will come out of the This block when activated by a sculk sensor emits a frightening sound and a particle will come out of the This block when activated by a sculk sensor emits a frightening sound and a particle will come out of the b. This block when activated by a sculk sensor emits a frightening sound and a particle will come out of the block. This block when activated by a sculk sensor emits a frightening sound and a particle will come out of the block. This block when activated by a sculk sensor emits a frightening sound and a particle will come out of the block.

The huge scary mob has arrived to terrify you with 84 health hearts and a 31 heart attack damage it's not easy to take it down as it's very fast strong and agile so don't be fooled into thinking it for being clumsy he is easy to defeat
The most intriguing thing is that this mob is blind and guides itself through Vibrations can be distracted with snowballs and eggs and it communicates with strange plants the sculk sensors yes you read wrong the mob communicates with the sculk sensor as it will be in part 2 update cave and cliffs
The archeology system will also arrive in part 2 of the update but I brought it almost complete By typing /function Archeology in the chat you will get all archeology items

The brushes will be found in archaeological digs around the world

In the structure there will be earth and gravel that when interacting holding a brush you will start to clear the block and get items

Items that tell the story of the world of minecraft are present and functional, putting them together in the pots will create a beautiful ceramic vase the ceramics can only be obtained from the excavations. Below see the image

After following the sequence above click on the pot with a flint and steel
Added brush sweep animation

now lush caves will spawn naturally along with dripstone caves and deepdark caves

Plus we have a new background and title
Mangrove Swamp
It will be naturally spawned in the world with mangrove trees, frogs and tadpoles

Mangrove Wood
From mangrove trees you can get Mangue Wood with its variants of doors, trapdoors, fences, fences gates, stairs, slabs etc.

Tadpole frogs and boats with chests
Toads and tadpoles will be bred in swamp and Mangrove swamp biomes
Boats with chests can be created with a boat and a chest on the workbench
All addon items appear in inventory
Near toNext to the main addon will come an additional file which is very important for the fences to work correctly so enable it overlaid on the main
The addon only works in 1.17 beta activate the experimental gameplay and enjoy
Added a new texture for warden and Sculk Shrieker added Mangrove swamp and mangrove woods and frogs , boats with chests